Learn French

How to Learn French on Your Own (in Less Than a Year)

Having a rigid classroom structure is a great way to learn French for some people – but its not for everyone. In fact, many people prefer to learn languages entirely on their own. If you’ve dreamed about becoming a fluent, self-taught French speaker, here’s how to learn French on your own. A Guide for Self-Taught …

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C’est vs. Il est: When and How to Use Them in French

Sometimes French learners get frustrated when they encounter two very similar expressions that are difficult to distinguish. C’est vs. il est is a common example of this. The two phrases mitght seem similar; however, each of them has distinct rules about when and how it should be used. These two expressions do not need to …

C’est vs. Il est: When and How to Use Them in FrenchRead More »

The Essential Guide to French Prepositions

Prepositions are an important part of learning any language. They link two elements of a sentence together. In English, we use prepositions such as on, with, and to very frequently. These little words serve a big purpose in making sentences more meaningful and thoughts more complete. When learning French, prepositions are essential to your fluency. Without …

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A Guide to the French Verb Vouloir: Conjugation and Usage

If you want to express your intentions in French and convey polite requests or issue strong commands, you’ve come to the right place! Welcome to the most useful guide to the French vouloir which will teach you everything you need to know about this verb—from conjugation to native-like usage. The usual meaning of vouloir is “to want” …

A Guide to the French Verb Vouloir: Conjugation and UsageRead More »

Top 10 Podcasts in French to Improve Your Listening Skills

Given their affordable and accessible nature, podcasts are a great option when seeking to improve your French language skills. In this article, we’ll explore how podcasts in French can dramatically improve your foreign language abilities – and which French podcasts you should be listening to. Why You Should Listen to Podcasts in French Podcasts are …

Top 10 Podcasts in French to Improve Your Listening SkillsRead More »

Common Mistakes English Speakers Make in French

Making mistakes is an inevitable part of learning French for the first time. It’s how you learn, grow and develop a more advanced understanding of a difficult language. Being aware of common French mistakes can prevent you from developing incorrect speech patterns. Over time, this can save you from embarrassment and confusion. From verb usage …

Common Mistakes English Speakers Make in FrenchRead More »

40+ French Transition Words to Boost Your Vocabulary

For anyone learning a language, transition words usually aren’t first on the list. But after you’ve mastered nouns and common French phrases, transition words are key for stringing your sentences together. In fact, transition words are what transform your broken French into the smooth, swoon-worthy language you’ve always dreamed of speaking. So what are you …

40+ French Transition Words to Boost Your VocabularyRead More »

Common French Phrases Travelers Will Actually Use

If you’re interested in learning French, there are many ways to adopt the language for free. But when you actually travel to France, you may start to hear conversational language, slang terms and expressions that you aren’t quite familiar with. The good news? Taking time to learn conversational French can boost your confidence and improve …

Common French Phrases Travelers Will Actually UseRead More »

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