
/koˈmeɾ/, [koˈmeɾ]


  • ¿Qué te dije de comer sobre el teclado?

    What did I tell you about eating over the keyboard?

  • ¿Ya terminó Tom de comer?

    Is Tom finished eating?

  • Tengo que dejar de comer helado tan dulce.

    I've got to stop eating such sweet ice cream.

  • Me duele la úlcera, así que no puedo comer.

    My canker hurts, so I can't really eat.

  • Tom me llevó a un restaurante en donde puedes comer todo lo que quieras por treinta dólares.

    Tom took me to a restaurant where you can eat as much as you want for thirty dollars.

  • Me dijeron que comer gelatina ayuda a fortalecer las uñas.

    I'm told that eating jelly helps grow strong nails.

  • Cada vez más personas deciden dejar de comer carne.

    More and more people are deciding to stop eating meat.

  • Hoy no puedo ir a comer contigo.

    I can't go to lunch with you today.

  • Yo quiero comer comida coreana.

    I want to eat Korean food.

  • Tom dice que jamás ha intentado comer comida de perro.

    Tom says that he's never tried eating dog food.

  • A mi esposa le gusta comer fuera, para no tener que cocinar.

    My wife likes to eat out, so she doesn't have to cook.

  • No quiero comer nada este verano.

    I don't feel like eating at all this summer.

  • Tom no tiene ganas de comer nada ahora mismo.

    Tom doesn't feel like eating anything right now.

  • Deberías lavarte las manos antes de comer.

    You should wash your hands before you eat.

  • Tienes que comer con regularidad.

    You have to eat regularly.

  • Nos detuvimos en un restaurante local para comer el almuerzo.

    We stopped for lunch at a local restaurant.

  • ¿Puedo comer esta torta?

    May I eat this cake?

  • Él es muy quisquilloso para comer.

    He is a very fussy eater.

  • Yo tengo que comer también.

    I have to eat, too.

  • ¿Te vas a comer esas papas fritas?

    Are you going to eat those fries?

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