
/koˈmeɾ/, [koˈmeɾ]


  • No hay nada para comer en la cocina.

    There's nothing to eat in the kitchen.

  • A su debido tiempo, comer carne será considerado tan horrible como comer carne humana.

    In due course, eating meat will be considered as horrible as eating human flesh.

  • Tom quería comer en el pequeño restaurante detrás del hotel.

    Tom wanted to eat at the small restaurant behind the hotel.

  • Él les permite comer en la oficina a sus trabajadores.

    He authorizes his workers to eat at the office.

  • Ella misma le dio algo para comer.

    She herself gave him something to eat.

  • ¡Esta noche salgamos a comer!

    Let's eat out tonight!

  • No voy a comer esto.

    I'm not going to eat this.

  • Tom está convencido de que su madre no quiere comer ahora.

    Tom is convinced that his mother doesn't want to eat now.

  • Tom suele comer demasiado rápido.

    Tom usually eats too quickly.

  • He oído que una manera de estar sano es evitar comer cualquier alimento con ingredientes impronunciables.

    I heard that one way to stay healthy is to avoid eating any food with unpronounceable ingredients.

  • El médico le aconsejó no comer entre comidas.

    The doctor advised him not to eat between meals.

  • ¿Qué te parece salir a comer conmigo?

    How about eating out with me?

  • ¿Quieres comer fideos o arroz?

    Do you want to eat noodles or rice?

  • He oído que la gente puede comer comida para gatos, sin efectos nocivos.

    I've heard that people can eat cat food without any harmful effects.

  • No me importa lo que dice el médico. ¡Voy a comer lo que quiera!

    I don't care what the doctor says. I'm going to eat whatever I want.

  • Aunque su veterinario le dijo que no, ella continuó dando de comer a su perro verduras crudas.

    Even though her vet told her not to, she continued to feed her dog raw vegetables.

  • ¿A qué hora vuelves? Te invito a comer.

    What time will you get back? I'll treat you to a meal.

  • ¿Es seguro comer pescado crudo durante el embarazo?

    Is it safe to eat raw fish during pregnancy?

  • Las cebollas se pueden comer crudas o cocidas.

    Onions can be eaten raw or cooked.

  • Le doy de comer a mi perro dos tazas de comida de perro cada tarde.

    I feed my dog two cups of dog food every evening.

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