
/koˈmeɾ/, [koˈmeɾ]


  • Algunas personas dicen que comer zanahorias mejorará tu vista.

    Some people say that eating carrots will improve your eyesight.

  • Tráeme algo de comer.

    Bring me something to eat.

  • ¿Qué querrías comer?

    What would you want to eat?

  • Me estoy acostumbrando a comer solo.

    I'm getting used to eating alone.

  • Gracias por darme algo de comer, estaba muy hambriento.

    Thank you for giving me something to eat. I was really hungry.

  • Tom no tiene nada para comer.

    Tom doesn't have anything to eat.

  • Él te va a comer vivo cuando descubra la verdad.

    He's going to eat you alive when he finds out the truth.

  • Los buenos hábitos en el comer son esenciales.

    Good eating habits are essential.

  • Yo solía comer pizza.

    I used to eat pizza.

  • Nos dieron mucho que comer.

    They gave us a lot to eat.

  • ¿Se irá a comer la torta entera?

    Will he eat the whole cake?

  • Una enfermedad es a menudo el resultado de comer demasiado.

    Sickness often results from eating too much.

  • Me lo quiero comer.

    I want to eat it.

  • Quiero comer pescado fresco.

    I want to eat fresh fish.

  • No deberías comer caracoles crudos.

    You shouldn't eat raw snails.

  • No debes comer demasiado helado y espagueti.

    You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti.

  • ¡Si te gusta comer marisco, has venido al sitio adecuado!

    If you like seafood, you've come to the right place!

  • No siempre me cepillo los dientes después de comer.

    I don't always brush my teeth after I eat.

  • No puedo comer nada hoy.

    I can't eat anything today.

  • Salgamos a comer esta noche.

    Let's eat out tonight.

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