Spanish is a very rich language. When it comes to politeness, it simply strives for the best. That’s why we have so many ways to say “you’re welcome” in Spanish!
In this article, we’ll look at various options to say “you’re welcome” in Spanish. We’ll start with some simple, basic phrases. We’ll then move on to more complex ones and finish off with the more elaborate ones.
We’ll also help you brush up on how to say “thank you” and go over how to say “please” in Spanish. We’ll finish off by covering the basics of vos, tú and usted to make sure you never sound rude when visiting Spanish-speaking countries. Let’s jump in!
“You’re welcome” in Spanish: the basics
We’ll start you off easy. There are four expressions you can use to say “you’re welcome” in Spanish that are pretty simple. They are short and sweet, and can go a long way.
De nada (You’re welcome)
This is the closest translation to “you’re welcome” in Spanish. It’s a pretty standard way to respond to someone saying “thank you” in Spanish. You’ve probably heard it before. It’s short, to the point, and easy to learn.
No hay de qué (Don’t mention it/No problem)
If you want to be more polite and casual, this is the option for you. It has an extended version: No hay nada de qué preocuparse. This literally means “there’s nothing to worry about”. You can use this phrase to downplay the help you provided.
No es nada (It’s no big deal)
This phrase literally translates into “It’s nothing”. It’s similar in use to “No hay de qué” and just as casual.
Es un placer (My pleasure)
If you love helping people and want to be a bit more formal, you should consider this option. This one is also relatively short and easy to learn. Moreover, you’d be learning two new expressions in one, as “es un placer” can also mean “nice to meet you” in some contexts!
Gracias a ti/usted (Thank you)
You can use this phrase when someone thanks you and the “thanking” goes both ways. You use it with “ti” in informal and “usted” in formal contexts (we’ll explain this in more detail at the end of this article). There is also a shorter version where you omit the thank you/gracias: “A ti/A usted”.
“You’re welcome” in Spanish: the upgrades
If you want to take your politeness a step further, there are plenty more options. You can use the expressions below to downplay the significance of your help (just like with “no hay de qué”).
Con gusto (Happy to help)
This literally translates to “with pleasure” and is used when you are glad to lend a helping hand. You can also say “con mucho gusto” (I’m really happy to help) to add emphasis.
A la orden (At your service)
This phrase is quite formal and translates to “I’m at your orders.” You can use it to let someone know they can count on you any time. You will hear this often in shops or the service industry after thanking an attendant for help.
No se preocupe/No te preocupes (Don’t worry about it/No worries)
There are two options here, just like with “Gracias a ti/usted.” However, instead of the personal pronouns “tú” and “usted,” we use the reflexive pronouns “se” and “te”. You use the “se” form for formal and the “te” form for informal occasions.
Come this way if you need to freshen up on your reflexive verbs and pronouns, and this way for pronouns in general.
No me cuesta nada (It’s no hassle)
Similar in meaning to “no te/se preocupes,” this expression means “it doesn’t cost me a thing.” We use “no me cuesta nada” when we want to express that our effort was not a hassle.
“You’re welcome” in Spanish: top tier
Want to take your politeness up a few notches? Here are some more complex phrases you can use. Downplaying our efforts seems to be a trend in Spanish, as the four expressions below also do just that.
No tienes nada que agradecer (There’s nothing to thank)
Like “think nothing of it” in English, you can use this expression to assure the other person that what you did was not a big deal. It is usually used by older people or in more formal contexts.
Para eso estamos (That’s why we’re here for)
This phrase is common in the service industry. A shop attendant may say this to mean it’s part of their job, and you can rely on them for whatever you need help with. As you might have noticed, the verb in this phrase is plural instead of singular. This is because whoever says it speaks for their whole team or company.
Para eso estoy/Para eso están los amigos (That’s what friends are for)
A spin on the previous phrase, you can say this to a friend when doing them a favor that is expected within a friendship. Because friends usually do nice things for each other, don’t they?
Hoy por ti, mañana por mí (Scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours)
Literally “today for you, tomorrow for me,” this phrase is commonly used among friends. Though it sounds as if they’re saying you owe them, it just means that friendship is a two-way street, and there will eventually come a time when you’ll offer them help. They are simply doing what you would do for them, too.
“Thank you” in Spanish
Given that we’re looking at how to say “you’re welcome” in Spanish, it’s only logical to review how to say “thank you”. Although we already wrote a whole article on how to say “thank you” in Spanish, we’ll cover a few below.
Just like “de nada” means “you’re welcome”, “gracias” is the most common and straightforward way to say “thank you” in Spanish. It can also be used in both formal and informal settings.
Here are some nine fancier and more emphatic options you can use:
- Muchas gracias: Thank you very much
- Muchísimas gracias: Thanks a lot
- Mil gracias: A thousand thanks
- Gracias por todo: Thanks for everything
- Te debo una: I owe you one
- ¿Qué haría yo sin ti?: What would I do without you?
- Estoy muy agradecido: I’m extremely thankful
- ¡Qué amable (de tu/su parte)!: That’s so kind of you
- Te/Se lo agradezco de todo corazón: I thank you with all my heart
“Please” in Spanish
Another expression connected to saying you’re welcome in Spanish is “please”. You sometimes hear this as a prelude to someone asking for something.
There are only so many options for saying “please” in Spanish. In most cases, you can use “por favor,” which literally translates to “by favor.” There are also the informal versions “porfa” and porfi”. You can also use “hace el favor the” (do me the favor of) when asking someone to act kindly, but this is not as common.
Finally, we should warn you that “por favor” can have other meanings. When used with a sarcastic tone, it can mean something along the lines of “Come on!” This is intended as a sign of running out of patience or annoyance. In this case, the tone is everything!
Vos vs. Tú vs. Usted
One of the keys to keeping polite in Spanish is knowing how to address whoever you are talking to. The fact that there are three different words for “you” in Spanish makes this tricky, so we’ll explain their uses below.
The main rule is that you use “vos” and “tú” in informal contexts and “usted” in formal situations. Therefore, you use “vos” and “tú” when talking to friends, family, children and peers. And you use “usted” when talking to elders, doctors, teachers, professionals and often strangers.
Now, you might be thinking: what is this “vos” you are talking about? If you are learning peninsular Spanish, you might not have come across it. “Vos” is used predominantly in Latin American countries such as Argentina and Uruguay. It is also used alongside “tú” in countries like Chile and Bolivia.
The added challenge of the you forms in Spanish is that they conjugate differently. However, there are only a few tenses where “vos” differs from “tú” and “usted” conjugates the same as “el/ella” (he/she), so you’ll get them down in no time!
If you want a peek into Spanish verb conjugation to see these pronouns at play, look at this article on the conjugation of the verb haber.
“You’re welcome” in Spanish: final thoughts
You most certainly have many options when it comes to saying “you’re welcome” in Spanish. Whether formal or informal, friendly or more service-like.
We hope this article has given you plenty of tools to respond to others’ appreciation of your help. Or know what to expect when you say “thank you”. Can you tell us which was your favorite?
If you want to keep working on your politeness, here is how to say “sorry” in Spanish.
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