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Streak: 64 days
Level: 500
Score: 25,074,002
Playing: 130,989 sentences
Mastered: 74,519 sentences
Ranked: 12th overall
Ranked: 39th this week
  • Deutsch / English
    Streak: 3 days
    Level: 365
    Score: 13,328,048
    Playing 70,151 sentences
    Mastered 46,126 sentences
    Ranked: 4th overall
    Ranked: 30th this week
  • Deutsch / Русский
    Streak: 63 days
    Level: 93
    Score: 144,352
    Playing 8,781 sentences
    Mastered 250 sentences
    Ranked: 30th overall
    Ranked: 1st this week
  • English / Русский
    Streak: 64 days
    Level: 97
    Score: 161,104
    Playing 10,798 sentences
    Mastered 0 sentences
    Ranked: 152nd overall
    Ranked: 5th this week
  • Italiano / English
    Streak: 3 days
    Level: 338
    Score: 11,436,670
    Playing 41,259 sentences
    Mastered 28,143 sentences
    Ranked: 8th overall
    Ranked: 27th this week

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