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How to Say “Goodbye” in Greek: A Guide to Greek Parting Phrases

a sign that says see you later hanging from a door

Saying goodbye can be a bittersweet experience, but it is also an essential part of language learning. If you follow Clozemaster’s blog, you already know how to say hello in Greek and thank you in Greek, which are both really important, since the Greeks value politeness and courteousness in everyday conversations – even if it is just a formality. Now it’s time to learn the various ways to say goodbye in Greek.

There are numerous ways to say goodbye in Greek, depending on who you are speaking with, what time of day it is, and how affectionate you want to be. Each of these words and phrases is useful in its own context. Let’s go over all of the useful phrases for saying goodbye in Greek so you can choose what works best for you.

Saying Goodbye in Greek

Knowing how to end a conversation is essential in most cultures, and it’s highly expected in European countries. Greece is one of those countries where not saying hello or goodbye is considered rude and brusque.

However, being polite does not require you to know every single phrase. Knowing how to say “bye” and “have a nice day/evening” is all you need to get by in everyday situations. Of course, as we’ve discussed in previous articles, consulting the Greek IPA is a great way to make sure you are also pronouncing these words correctly.

The most common and casual ways to say goodbye in Greek are as follows:

  • Γεια /ja/ = bye

This multifunctional word is an essential component of the Greek vocabulary. While it is most commonly used as a way to say hello, it can also serve as a goodbye word.

It can be used as it is, but it can also be directed at a person, using a pronoun in singular or plural:

  • Γεια σου /ja su/ = hello to you (sing.)
  • Γεια σας /ja sas/ = hello to you (pl.)

It’s worth noting that the pronoun-based form of γεια is typically used for greetings rather than goodbyes.

  • Αντίο /a’dio/ = goodbye

Αντίο is a common way to say goodbye in Greek, and it can be used in any situation, whether formal or informal. While younger generations don’t prefer it as a greeting, it can be used anywhere.

  • Καλή συνέχεια /ka’li si’neçia/ = have a good rest of the day

Καλή συνέχεια is a common way to say goodbye in any situation, especially when having a small talk with a friend you happened to run into or when talking to a barista or a retail worker. When unsure of what to say, simply say «καλή συνέχεια».

  • Τα λέμε /ta leme/ = see you

A mostly informal phrase, you can say it to someone you are going to talk to or see again soon. It comes in different variations, which we will explore in the following section.

See You in Greek

Like most languages, Greek has a lot of ways to say “see you”. In the previous section, we saw the phrase «τα λέμε». Let’s look at the different ways you can say “see you” as a form of goodbye in Greek.

  • Τα λέμε αργότερα (see you later)
  • Τα λέμε σε λιγάκι (see you in a bit)
  • Τα λέμε σύντομα (see you soon)
  • Τα λέμε αύριο (see you tomorrow)
  • Τα λέμε το πρωί / το απόγευμα / την επόμενη εβδομάδα / τον άλλο μήνα (see you in the morning / in the afternoon / next week/ next month) – τα λέμε can be combined with virtually any phrase to show the sentiment of seeing somebody at a specific time.

The preceding phrases were pretty much self-explanatory. Let’s look at some more phrases that can mean the same thing as “see you”.

  • Εις το επανιδείν (until we see each other again) – a really common expression in many languages, including German auf wiedersehen and French au revoir. It’s quite formal and not widely used, so you should not use it in everyday conversations.
  • Εύχομαι να τα ξαναπούμε σύντομα (I hope to see you again soon) – a common semi-formal expression; not something a Gen Z or millennial would use with their friends, but surely something you would say if you ran into an estranged friend.
  • Θα είμαστε σε επικοινωνία (we will be in touch) – used mostly in business conversations, like in English.
  • Πρέπει να φύγω, θα τα πούμε (I have to go, talk to you) – common goodbye in Greek when you are in a hurry.
  • Χάρηκα που σε είδα, τα λέμε (It was great seeing you, goodbye) – another way to say goodbye, while also expressing your happiness for seeing somebody.

Informal Ways to Say Goodbye in Greek

There are a few ways to say goodbye in Greek when talking to people who are close to you (friends, SO, family, etc.) Here are the most common informal goodbyes:

  • Φιλιά / Φιλάκια (kisses) – very informal
  • Θα μου λείψεις (I’ll miss you)
  • Να προσέχεις (Take care) – more affectionate than the corresponding English one, so use only with people you feel close to you.
  • Έφυγα (I’m off) – a very informal way to say goodbye, it literally translates to “I left”, used pretty much like “I’m off” or “Gotta run”.
  • Γεια χαρά / Έχε γεια (Farewell/Be good) – a kind of outdated expression, you might hear it from older people.

Goodbyes for Each Time of the Day & Week

Most words used for “hello” at various times of the day can also be used as a way to say goodbye in Greek:

  • Kαλημέρα /kali’mera/ (Good morning)

Καλημέρα is typically used to greet rather than say goodbye. When you leave someone in the morning, you usually say «καλή συνέχεια» or «καλό υπόλοιπο». Still, if it is before 12 PM, you can use it to say goodbye.

  • Καλό υπόλοιπο /ka’lo i’polipo/ [Have a great rest (of the day)]

A kind of quirky expression to use to say goodbye is καλό υπόλοιπο. It means have a good rest of the day, but since “of the day” is implied, it can also mean other things, such as a good rest of the shift, etc.

  • Καλό μεσημέρι /ka’lo mesi’meri/ (Good noon)

This phrase is really common in Greece, and it is usually said around 12PM and 2PM, since the lines between noon and afternoon are blurry in Greece.

  • Καλό απόγευμα /ka’lo a’poγevma/ (Good afternoon)

This can be said any time after 12PM. However, in Greece, the afternoon includes a large portion of the evening. Our afternoon is divided into three parts: early afternoon (around 3-4 PM), mid afternoon (around 5-6 PM), and late afternoon (around 7-8 PM). So, you can use καλό απόγευμα to say goodbye in Greek any time between 12 and 6 PM, especially during the summer, when the sun sets after 9PM.

  • Καλό βράδυ /ka’lo ‘vraδi/ (Good evening)

This is a way to say goodbye in Greek only if you are parting ways with someone after 6PM, and mostly after 8PM – especially during the summer.

You can also combine the word “good” with words like “week” and “weekend” for a polite way to say goodbye to anyone:

  • Καλή εβδομάδα /ka’li evδo’maδa/ (Have a nice week)
  • Καλό σαββατοκύριακο /ka’lo savato’cirʝako/ (Have a nice weekend)
  • Καλό μήνα /ka’lo ‘mina/ (Have a good month)

Good Night in Greek

A special mention must be made of the various ways to say goodnight in Greek. Even though it may not be as useful for a traveler, there are numerous ways to say goodnight, and not all of them can be used in all situations. There are the following options:

  • Καλό βράδυ /ka’lo ‘vraδi/ (Good evening)
  • Καληνύχτα /kali’nixta/ (Good night) – only said when you are ready to go home, late in the evening, or directed at people you are living with (in the same house, hotel, etc.)
  • Τα λέμε αύριο /ta ‘leme ‘avrio/ (See you tomorrow)
  • Όνειρα γλυκά /’onira γli’ka/ (Sweet dreams) – quite informal, said to people right before they go to sleep

Foreign Goodbye Words

Words from other languages have been integrated into Greek for many decades. While in the past century it was mostly French and Italian, younger generations are increasingly using English words to say goodbye. A few of them are:

  • Μπάι (bye)
  • Τσάο (ciao)
  • Ατουταλέρ (à tout à l’heure)

Greek Goodbye Gestures

As you’ve probably read (or seen), Greeks are very expressive people. Body language is essential during a conversation, including how they say goodbye. Which gestures should you expect when saying goodbye to someone?


The most common gesture when you are parting ways with someone is to wave your hand at them. It’s a common gesture, especially if you’re in a hurry or walking in the opposite direction as the person you’re saying goodbye to.

Note: Try to keep your fingers close together, as a palm with wide open fingers is considered a vulgar gesture in Greece.


The safest goodbye gesture. It is a formal gesture, but it can also be used in informal situations when you don’t know the other person well and don’t feel comfortable hugging them.

Shake someone’s hand when you leave a meeting or meet them for the first time, even in an informal setting. It expresses appreciation for the person you have just met.

Hugging and/or Kissing Goodbye

The most “Greek” way of saying goodbye, of course, is to hug or kiss someone goodbye. A hug should suffice for friends or other people with whom you can be more affectionate – it is affectionate enough without crossing boundaries or going overboard.

A double cheek kiss, however, might be appropriate for close friends and family. Yet, this is a very informal gesture, and you should always consider that the other person may not be comfortable enough to engage in a hug.

Goodbye in Greek – Conclusion

Saying goodbye in Greek is not very hard. It’s quite similar to English or German, and it follows a common etiquette with the French way to say goodbye. You can learn these few phrases and you will be good to go. And if you want to be better prepared or practice your Greek, don’t forget to check out Clozemaster. This app will lead you to your Greek learning goals efficiently and quickly, while also ensuring that you will have a fun time!

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