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Clozemaster ♥ Beeminder

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We’re happy to announce Clozemaster can now be integrated into Beeminder!

Beeminder is a great way to keep up motivation and stay committed to your language learning goals, and the folks over at Beeminder have prepared a guest post to tell you all about it. You can also check out our announcement on their blog here. Happy language learning!

Greetings Clozemasters! We’re excited to tell you about the new official Beeminder integration! First, if you don’t know anything about Beeminder, we’re a Quantified Self tool for collecting and visualizing data, and hard-committing to your goals. We plot your progress along a Yellow Brick Road to your goal, send you reminders to keep studying, and if you go off track, we charge you money. Long-time Beeminder users find that those stings (get it?) are well worth it for all the awesomeness we induce the rest of the time. But if the thought of having to pay money is too scary, that’s perfect: you’ll be very motivated to keep all your datapoints on your yellow brick road.

We think that the awesomeness of Clozemaster combined with the sting of Beeminder is going to be a killer combination for success for you Clozemasters. Clozemaster is a great tool for learning and practicing, as long as you keep using it regularly. Now Beeminder’s got you covered.

Getting Started

Using the integration is pretty simple. On the landing page you authorize us to read your Clozemaster data, pick which language you are studying, and tell us how much time you want to commit to. We’ll set up a graph for you and send reminders if you get too close to the edge. We check for new data before we send a reminder, and at the end of the day, but if you want to update Right Now you can visit your graph page and click the “refresh” arrow next to the graph, and that will force a sync.

Good luck, and happy learning!

Create a Clozemaster goal!


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