
/neˈɡoθjo/, [neˈɣ̞o.θjo]


Noun negocio m (plural negocios)

  1. business, enterprise (commercial enterprise or establishment)
  2. deal (a particular instance of buying or selling, a transaction)
  3. deal (agreement between parties)
  4. profit, money-making
  5. shop

Verb negocio

  1. First-person singular (yo) present indicative form of negociar.

Source: Wiktionary available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

  • Es mi negocio investigar tales cosas.

    It's my business to investigate such things.

  • ¿Cuánto sacó usted del negocio?

    How much did you get out of the deal?

  • Procrastinación: es negocio serio.

    Procrastination: It's serious business.

  • Vendió su negocio y se jubiló.

    He sold his business and retired.

  • Supongo que ella tendrá éxito en su negocio.

    I figure that she will succeed in her business.

  • No sé quién está al frente del negocio.

    I don't know who's in charge of the business.

  • ¿Cómo va el negocio?

    How's business?

  • El éxito de nuestro negocio depende del clima.

    The success of our business depends on the weather.

  • El negocio de John resultó ser un fracaso total.

    John's business has turned out to be a complete failure.

  • Yo hice un negocio.

    I made a deal.

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