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Streak: 191 days
Level: 189
Score: 2,929,922
Playing: 16,657 sentences
Mastered: 16,487 sentences
Ranked: 455th overall
Ranked: 1,265th this week
  • Deutsch / English
    Streak: 191 days
    Level: 137
    Score: 595,540
    Playing 3,438 sentences
    Mastered 3,416 sentences
    Ranked: 292nd overall
    Ranked: 1,111th this week
  • Français / English
    Streak: 191 days
    Level: 133
    Score: 519,208
    Playing 2,907 sentences
    Mastered 2,892 sentences
    Ranked: 220th overall
    Ranked: 678th this week
  • Italiano / English
    Streak: 191 days
    Level: 142
    Score: 705,398
    Playing 3,717 sentences
    Mastered 3,713 sentences
    Ranked: 136th overall
    Ranked: 207th this week
  • Latina / English
    Streak: 191 days
    Level: 122
    Score: 371,130
    Playing 2,714 sentences
    Mastered 2,689 sentences
    Ranked: 31st overall
    Ranked: 85th this week
  • Türkçe / English
    Streak: 191 days
    Level: 128
    Score: 446,570
    Playing 2,434 sentences
    Mastered 2,384 sentences
    Ranked: 34th overall
    Ranked: 132nd this week
  • Русский / English
    Streak: 191 days
    Level: 114
    Score: 287,334
    Playing 1,447 sentences
    Mastered 1,393 sentences
    Ranked: 241st overall
    Ranked: 300th this week

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