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Streak: 1360 days
Level: 182
Score: 2,363,516
Playing: 23,477 sentences
Mastered: 23,190 sentences
Ranked: 583rd overall
Ranked: 1,072nd this week
  • हिन्दी / English
    Streak: 1360 days
    Level: 108
    Score: 237,340
    Playing 1,598 sentences
    Mastered 1,589 sentences
    Ranked: 8th overall
    Ranked: 40th this week
  • 中文 / English
    Streak: 1244 days
    Level: 78
    Score: 85,116
    Playing 1,145 sentences
    Mastered 1,128 sentences
    Ranked: 324th overall
    Ranked: 212th this week
  • Español / Deutsch
    Streak: 1238 days
    Level: 95
    Score: 151,028
    Playing 1,579 sentences
    Mastered 1,562 sentences
    Ranked: 48th overall
    Ranked: 35th this week
  • Français / Deutsch
    Streak: 1210 days
    Level: 96
    Score: 160,432
    Playing 1,795 sentences
    Mastered 1,783 sentences
    Ranked: 40th overall
    Ranked: 30th this week
  • Français / 中文
    Streak: 1200 days
    Level: 81
    Score: 94,096
    Playing 1,139 sentences
    Mastered 1,132 sentences
    Ranked: 4th overall
    Ranked: 4th this week
  • 日本語 / English
    Streak: 941 days
    Level: 87
    Score: 114,864
    Playing 1,205 sentences
    Mastered 1,197 sentences
    Ranked: 310th overall
    Ranked: 330th this week
  • 中文 (Traditional) / English
    Streak: 941 days
    Level: 74
    Score: 72,758
    Playing 1,297 sentences
    Mastered 1,281 sentences
    Ranked: 30th overall
    Ranked: 32nd this week
  • Español / Français
    Streak: 880 days
    Level: 77
    Score: 81,444
    Playing 995 sentences
    Mastered 978 sentences
    Ranked: 50th overall
    Ranked: 35th this week
  • Italiano / Español
    Streak: 752 days
    Level: 73
    Score: 70,748
    Playing 799 sentences
    Mastered 781 sentences
    Ranked: 49th overall
    Ranked: 44th this week
  • Latina / English
    Streak: 653 days
    Level: 59
    Score: 41,064
    Playing 668 sentences
    Mastered 648 sentences
    Ranked: 167th overall
    Ranked: 86th this week
  • العربية / Français
    Streak: 653 days
    Level: 58
    Score: 40,128
    Playing 734 sentences
    Mastered 710 sentences
    Ranked: 6th overall
    Ranked: 5th this week
  • Русский / Español
    Streak: 653 days
    Level: 55
    Score: 35,608
    Playing 505 sentences
    Mastered 482 sentences
    Ranked: 48th overall
    Ranked: 18th this week
  • Türkçe / Deutsch
    Streak: 568 days
    Level: 53
    Score: 31,484
    Playing 598 sentences
    Mastered 572 sentences
    Ranked: 23rd overall
    Ranked: 8th this week
  • Português / Español
    Streak: 491 days
    Level: 54
    Score: 33,292
    Playing 642 sentences
    Mastered 611 sentences
    Ranked: 71st overall
    Ranked: 15th this week
  • Deutsch / English
    Streak: 149 days
    Level: 157
    Score: 1,101,448
    Playing 8,668 sentences
    Mastered 8,660 sentences
    Ranked: 138th overall
    Ranked: 1,086th this week
  • فارسی / English
    Streak: 92 days
    Level: 14
    Score: 3,220
    Playing 110 sentences
    Mastered 76 sentences
    Ranked: 158th overall
    Ranked: 38th this week

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