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Streak: 1744 days
Level: 325
Score: 10,575,496
Playing: 82,018 sentences
Mastered: 80,368 sentences
Ranked: 59th overall
Ranked: 314th this week
  • Deutsch / English
    Streak: 1744 days
    Level: 262
    Score: 6,872,538
    Playing 43,633 sentences
    Mastered 43,632 sentences
    Ranked: 11th overall
    Ranked: 135th this week
  • Deutsch / Français
    Streak: 685 days
    Level: 150
    Score: 895,306
    Playing 8,754 sentences
    Mastered 7,690 sentences
    Ranked: 4th overall
    Ranked: 14th this week
  • Italiano / Deutsch
    Streak: 685 days
    Level: 129
    Score: 456,892
    Playing 4,515 sentences
    Mastered 4,018 sentences
    Ranked: 9th overall
    Ranked: 7th this week
  • Italiano / English
    Streak: 685 days
    Level: 181
    Score: 2,320,804
    Playing 24,653 sentences
    Mastered 24,650 sentences
    Ranked: 43rd overall
    Ranked: 58th this week
  • עברית / English
    Streak: 276 days
    Level: 51
    Score: 29,848
    Playing 463 sentences
    Mastered 378 sentences
    Ranked: 213th overall
    Ranked: 65th this week

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rkirk, Andrewj1981, robertepp, chynachy

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