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Streak: 312 days
Level: 199
Score: 3,949,676
Playing: 69,946 sentences
Mastered: 50,011 sentences
Ranked: 307th overall
Ranked: 476th this week
  • 한국어 / English
    Streak: 0 days
    Level: 0
    Score: 0
    Playing 0 sentences
    Mastered 0 sentences
    Ranked: N/A overall
    Ranked: N/A this week
  • Čeština / English
    Streak: 92 days
    Level: 147
    Score: 819,272
    Playing 16,419 sentences
    Mastered 15,118 sentences
    Ranked: 13th overall
    Ranked: 27th this week
  • Español / Русский
    Streak: 166 days
    Level: 149
    Score: 861,702
    Playing 22,678 sentences
    Mastered 10,900 sentences
    Ranked: 4th overall
    Ranked: 8th this week
  • Français / Deutsch
    Streak: 166 days
    Level: 105
    Score: 213,932
    Playing 3,949 sentences
    Mastered 3,784 sentences
    Ranked: 33rd overall
    Ranked: 11th this week
  • Français / Русский
    Streak: 65 days
    Level: 66
    Score: 53,484
    Playing 3,798 sentences
    Mastered 525 sentences
    Ranked: 24th overall
    Ranked: 3rd this week
  • 中文 / English
    Streak: 312 days
    Level: 176
    Score: 1,980,006
    Playing 21,524 sentences
    Mastered 19,565 sentences
    Ranked: 7th overall
    Ranked: 34th this week
  • 中文 / Español
    Streak: 105 days
    Level: 44
    Score: 21,256
    Playing 1,578 sentences
    Mastered 119 sentences
    Ranked: 7th overall
    Ranked: 2nd this week

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VFedyk, Upweighting, engstu, Babsie

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