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“Piacere” Conjugation: All You Need to Know, and a Bit More

Knowing how to conjugate the verb piacere faultlessly is a must if you want to learn the Italian language. Be careful, though! It is also one of the most tricky to learn for English speakers. Before getting started on the piacere conjugation and all its secrets, though, we will have a look at its meaning and usage in Italian.

Piacere is usually translated as the verb ‘to like’ in English, and it can also be used as a noun: il piacere, which means ‘pleasure.

  • Ti piace il cioccolato fondente?
    Do you like dark chocolate?
  • È stato un piacere aiutarti.
    It was a pleasure to help you.

Easy enough. What is so tricky about it, then?

Do not worry, we will explain it all in this article and, once you’re done reading it you will never make a mistake in the piacere conjugation again!

Are you ready?

Let’s look at how to use the Italian verb piacere, how to conjugate it, and when to use it in context with examples and dialogues.

Piacere: What Kind of Verb Is It?

Piacere is an irregular verb, which means it doesn’t follow the regular pattern of other verbs of the -ERE conjugation. It is employed to talk about tastes and preferences,as you do with the verb ‘to like’.

You might have noticed, however, that piacere needs to be conjugated using personal pronouns (mi, ti, gli, le, ci, vi, gli)…

This is because the object and subject are reversed when you use the verb piacere. Thus, the Italian equivalent of ‘I like’ is not io piaccio, but mi piace.

  • Mi piace Greta.
    I like Greta.
  • Le piace il riso in bianco.
    She likes white rice.

Piacere Conjugation: Who Likes Who?

A lot of learners consider this verb tricky because it does not follow a ‘normal’ conjugation. In fact, the subject of the verb piacere is the object we like.

Thus, the ‘liked object’ becomes the subject of the sentence and agrees with the verb, and you (or whoever ‘likes’) becomes an indirect object.

  • Mi piace il cioccolato fondente. – A me piace il cioccolato fondente.

If we translate this sentence literally, for example, it would be: ‘dark chocolate is pleasing to me’.

This is often cause for distress in many students, but if you think about it, it actually makes things easier!

If you think about it, when you conjugate the verb piacere, you only need to know the personal pronouns and two forms of the verb itself: piace for a singular ‘liked object and piacciono for the plural.

First, let’s revise the indirect personal pronouns:


Indirect pronouns (weak)

Indirect pronouns (strong)

To me


A me

To you


A te

To him/her


A lui/lei

To us


A noi

To you


A voi

To them


A loro

If you want to emphasize ‘who’ likes something in a sentence, you can use these. Let’s see some examples:

  • Viene anche Giacomo a cena. A lui piacciono i fagiolini?
    Giacomo is coming for dinner as well. Does he like green beans?
  • – Ti piacciono i musical?
    – A me piacciono, ma a lui no.
    – Do you like musicals?
    – I do, but he doesn’t.

Piacere Conjugation: The Basics

And now let’s look at the conjugation itself, with the singular and plural forms you will need in most occasions when using piacere.

To like


I like

Mi piace / piacciono


Ti piace / piacciono


Gli/le piace / piacciono


Ci piace / piacciono


Vi piace / piacciono


Gli piace / piacciono

As we just mentioned, if the ‘liked object’ is singular, you will use ‘piace’. If, on the other hand, it is plural, you will use ‘piacciono’.

  • Ci piace andare al cinema nel weekend.
    We like going to the cinema on the weekend.
  • Vi piacciono le serie televisive?
    Do you like TV series?
  • Lo so che ti piace mangiare dolci, ma stai esagenrando.
    I know you like eating sweets, but you’re exaggerating now.
  • Mi piacciono le fragole, ma preferisco i lamponi.
    I like strawberries, but I prefer raspberries.

When turning a sentence into the negative, you just add the usual non before the verb (non mi piace). Be careful though, if you are using the ‘strong’ indirect pronouns, the non will be placed in between the personal pronoun and the verb (a me non piace).

  • Non ti piace lo yogurt?
    Don’t you like yogurt?
  • A te non piace lo yogurt, lo so.
    You do not like yogurt, I know.

Piacere: Reflexive and Reciprocal Forms

Piacere can also be used in the reflexive and reciprocal forms.

The reflexive, as you might already know, reflects the action back to the speaker and is introduced by a reflexive pronoun:

  • Io mi piaccio così come sono.
    I like myself the way I am.
  • Margherita non si piace con i capelli lisci.
    Margherita doesn’t like herself with straight hair.

The reciprocal form, on the other hand, expresses the concept of “each other” and is introduced by the impersonal si:

  • Giulio e Francesco si piacciono.
    Giulio and Francesco like each other.
  • Non si sono mai piaciuti loro due.
    Those two never liked each other.

Piacere: Conjugations

Now that we’ve learned the basic rules of the piacere conjugation, and that we know how and when to use it, let’s look at the piacere conjugation.

Yes, although the majorioty of times you will only use these two forms, it is useful (and interesting!) to know the whole conjugation of this great verb!

Here, you’ll find the conjugations divided into levels: from beginner learners to advanced (including those tenses even native speakers can never get right!).

In the following tables, we will use the verb essere (to be) as the auxiliary to build compound tenses. Piacere always takes the verb “essere” in compound tenses.

In this case, as in all the verbs that take essere as an auxiliary, do not forget: the participle piaciuto changes in gender and number to agree with the subject (i.e.: piaciuto, piaciuta, piaciuti, piaciute)!

Piacere Conjugation for Beginners

First of all, let’s see the most used conjugations in the indicative mood: the present (presente), future simple (futuro semplice), imperfect (imperfetto), and present perfect (passato prossimo).

The indicative mood is a form used to make statements, ask questions and express facts and opinions. If you are starting to learn Italian, these are the first verb tenses you will need, for sure!




Passato Prossimo





sono piaciuto





sei piaciuto


Lui / Lei



è piaciuto





siamo piaciuti





siete piaciuti





sono piaciuti


Examples for Beginners

  • Non mi è mai piaciuto il latte.
    I never liked milk.
  • Ho regalato dei sandali a Carla, le sono piaciuti!
    I gave Carla some sandals as a present, she liked them!

Conjugations for Intermediate Learners

In this paragraph, we continue with the indicative mood. These tenses are less used but still very common, especially for reading, writing, watching films, etc.

We will see the past perfect (trapassato prossimo), preterite (passato remoto), past preterite (trapassato remoto) and future perfect (futuro anteriore).

These are all compound tenses, formed by two (or more) words, except the passato remoto.

Compound tenses are great: you can just learn the conjugations for essere and add the past participle piaciuto.


Trapassato prossimo 

Passato remoto 

Trapassato Remoto

Futuro anteriore


ero piaciuto


fui piaciuto

sarò piaciuto


eri piaciuto


fosti piaciuto

sarai piaciuto

Lui / Lei

era piaciuto


fu piaciuto

sarà piaciuto


eravamo piaciuti


fummo piaciuti

saremo piaciuti


eravate piaciuti


foste piaciuti

sarete piaciuti


erano piaciuti


furono piaciuti

saranno piaciuti

Examples for Intermediate Learners

  • Gli era piaciuto alla fine il ristorante?
    Had he liked the restaurant in the end?
  • Non ci piacque il suo tono e ce ne andammo.
    We did not like his tone and we left.

Piacere Conjugation for Advanced Learners

Here we will look at the conditional mood of the verb piacere, which we use to talk about events that depend on a certain condition, and the subjunctive mood, which expresses demands and suggestions, hypothetical situations or wishes.

The Conditional Mood


Condizionale presente

Condizionale passato 



sarei piaciuto



saresti piaciuto

Lui / Lei


sarebbe piaciuto



saremmo piaciuti



sareste piaciuti



sarebbero piaciuti


  • Non ti piacerebbe andare al mare quest’estate?
    Wouldn’t you like going to the seaside this summer?
  • Se si fossero conosciuti, si sarebbero piaciuti molto.
    Had they met, they would have liked each other a lot.

The Subjunctive Mood


Congiuntivo presente

Congiuntivo passato 

Congiuntivo Imperfetto



Che io


sia piaciuto


fossi piaciuto

Che tu


sia piaciuto


fossi piaciuto

Che lui / lei


sia piaciuto


fosse piaciuto

Che noi


siamo piaciuti


fossimo piaciuti

Che voi 


siate piaciuti


foste piaciuti

Che loro


siano piaciuti


fossero piaciuti


  • Non credo che le piaccia studiare latino.
    I don’t think she likes studying Latin.
  • Se non mi piacessi non sarei qui.
    I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t like you.

Piacere Conjugation: Infinitive, Participle and Gerund

Here are the verbals of sapere:





Presente (present)




Passato (past)

essere piaciuto


essendo piaciuto 

Gerardo è un uomo piacente.The present participle, piacente, can be used as an adjective to describe someone attractive and charming.

  • Gerardo is a charming man.

Piacere conjugation in Context

I hope this guide on the conjugation of piacere was useful!

Before you go, let’s see a short dialogue with the conjugations in context.

A Dialogue


Pensavo ti piacesse il cinema Italiano!

I thought you liked Italian cinema!


Sì, mi piace. Ma preferisco i film del secolo scorso.

I do. But I prefer films from last century.


Wow, hai dei gusti raffinati. A me invece piacciono solo i film di Hollywood. 

Wow, you have a refined taste. I only like Hollywood films. 


Sì, non avevo dubbi. Non ti piacerebbe guardare degli altri tipi di film con me? Ti posso dare delle lezioni di cinema!

I had no doubt about that. Wouldn’t you like to watch other kinds of films with me? I can give you some cinema lessons!


Certo, molto volentieri. Se non ti scoccia.

I would love to. If it’s not a problem for you. 


Io lo farei con piacere!

I would do it with pleasure!

Challenge yourself with Clozemaster

Learning the piacere conjugation might seem daunting at first, but don’t worry, it comes naturally with practice.

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