This list shows Romanian sentences with English translations for the 100 most common words used as the missing word for the Fluency Fast Track on Clozemaster.

Clozemaster is a game to learn language in context. It shows you a sentence missing a word, and the challenge is to fill in the correct word from context. The Fluency Fast Track shows one sentence per missing word in order of difficulty.

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1. rău O, îmi pare rău.
Oh, I'm sorry.
2. nevoie De ce ai nevoie?
What is it you need?, What do you need?
3. mulțumesc Mulțumesc foarte, foarte mult!
Thank you very, very much!
4. spune Trebuie doar să faci ce ți se spune.
You just have to do as you're told.
5. timp Avem timp?
Do we have time?
6. cineva Am nevoie de cineva.
I need somebody.
7. bun A fost bun?
Was it good?
8. suntem Unde suntem?
Where are we?
9. crezi Ai face bine să crezi asta.
You'd better believe it.
10. hai Hai!
Get over here., Come over here., Come here.
11. venit Mulțumesc pentru că ai venit la timp.
Thanks for being on time.
12. cât Cât?
How much?
13. spui Cum spui...?
How do you say...?
14. place Îți place sau nu, trebuie să o faci.
Like it or not, you have to do it.
15. mergem Unde mergem?
Where are we going?
16. avea Nu avea nimic de spus.
She was at a loss for words.
17. văzut El a văzut tot.
She saw everything., He saw everything.
18. regulă Totul este în regulă.
Everything is OK., Everything is all right.
19. naiba La naiba!
Fuck you!, I don't give a damn about it!
20. mama - Cine e? - E mama ta.
"Who is it?" "It's your mother."
21. fel Sunt toate la fel?
Are they all the same?
22. fără Nu știu ce am face fără tine.
I don't know what we would do without you.
23. nimeni Nimeni nu a venit.
Nobody showed up., No one came., Nobody came.
24. decât Sunt mai bun decât el.
I'm better than him.
25. văd Nu așa îl văd eu.
That is not my idea of him.
26. loc Te rog ia loc aici.
Please sit here.
27. toți Îi știi pe toți.
You know everyone.
28. unul Vreau unul!
I want one., I want one!
29. facem Va trebui să facem ceva.
We will have to do something.
30. ceea Crezi ceea ce a spus el?
Do you believe what he said?
31. lumea Știi pe toată lumea.
You know everyone.
32. lucru Este asta un lucru rău?
Is that a bad thing?
33. acasă Sunt acasă.
I am at home., I'm at home., I'm home.
34. vino Vino aici.
Come on over., Come hither., Come over here., Come here!, Come here.
35. auzit De cât timp nu ai mai auzit ceva de la el?
How long is it since you heard from him?
36. doi Am doi fii.
I have two sons.
37. nou Tu din nou?
You again?
38. om Sunt om.
I'm a human being., I am a human being., I'm a man., I'm a human., I am human., I am a man.
39. orice Orice fac, ea spune că pot face mai bine.
Whatever I do, she says I can do better.
40. duc Mai bine mă duc acasă.
I'd better go home.
41. gata Încă nu sunt gata.
I'm still not ready yet., I'm not finished., I'm not done., I'm not ready yet., I am not ready yet., I'm still not ready.
42. bani Dar nu am bani.
But I have no money., But I don't have money.
43. repede Cu cât mai repede cu atât mai bine.
The sooner, the better.
44. zis A zis cineva ceva?
Did anyone say anything?
45. vedem vedem care pe care!
Let's see who wins!
46. merge Eu voi merge.
I will go.
47. ziua Bună ziua!
Good day!, Good afternoon., Good afternoon!
48. grijă Am avut grijă de el.
I took care of him.
49. una Am mai văzut una din astea.
I've seen one of these before.
50. serios Ești serios?
Are you fucking serious?, Are you being serious?, Do you really mean that?, Are you serious?
51. afară Îți dau orice în afară de asta.
I'll give you anything but this.
52. vine Dacă el nu vine, tu ce o să faci?
If he doesn't come, what'll you do?
53. vorbesc Nu vreau să vorbesc despre asta acum.
I don't want to talk about it right now.
54. noapte Noapte bună.
Good evening!, Good evening., Good night!, Goodnight!, Good night.
55. fata El a văzut fata.
He saw the girl.
56. eram Încă eram acasă.
I was still at home.
57. aproape Vino mai aproape de mine.
Come closer to me.
58. casa Eu văd casa.
I see the house.
59. destul Ai avut destul timp.
You had plenty of time.
60. adevărat Este adevărat?
Is this correct?, Is it the truth?, Is that really true?, Is this true?, Really?, Is that true?, Is it true?
61. singur El nu mai este singur.
He isn't alone anymore.
62. cand Daca nu acum, cand?
If not now, when?
63. banii Ce a făcut cu toți banii?
What did she do with all the money?
64. ori El este de două ori mai mare decât ea.
He is twice as old as she is.
65. iubesc Te iubesc.
I love you!, I do love you., I love you.
66. seara Bună seara.
Good evening!, Good morning., Good day!, Good afternoon., Hello!, Good evening.
67. ajuns A ajuns la timp.
He arrived in time.
68. dracu La dracu’ cu tine!
Go to hell!, Go screw yourself!, Fuck off!, Fuck you!, To the devil with you!
69. tatăl Tatăl meu nu este acasă acum.
Right now my father is not at home.
70. înseamnă Nu înseamnă nimic!
That doesn't mean a thing., It doesn't mean a thing., That doesn't mean anything., It doesn't mean anything!, This doesn't mean anything., It doesn't mean anything.
71. știe El știe tot.
He knows everything.
72. exact Poate va fi exact la fel pentru el.
Maybe it will be exactly the same for him.
73. azi Azi nu e ziua ta.
Today is not your day.
74. aceasta Dar îți place aceasta!
But you like it!
75. copii Voi sunteți copii.
You are children.
76. simt simt rău.
I feel bad., I feel sick.
77. treaba Nu e treaba mea.
It's not my job.
78. terminat El și-a terminat treaba, nu-i așa?
He has finished his work, hasn't he?
79. dumnezeu Pentru Dumnezeu!
For God's sake!, For the love of God!
80. lucruri Sunt prea multe lucruri de făcut!
There are too many things to do!
81. întâmplă Da, se întâmplă din când în când.
Yes, it happens once in a while., Yes, it happens from time to time.
82. târziu Prea târziu.
Too late.
83. plec Trebuie să plec.
I've got to go., I should head out.
84. frumos Eu sunt mai frumos decât tine.
I am more beautiful than you., I am more handsome than you.
85. mereu De ce ești mereu așa de rău?
Why are you always so evil?
86. dreptate Cred că am dreptate.
I believe I'm in the right., I believe I am in the right.
87. mâine Ne vedem mâine!
Until tomorrow., See you tomorrow., See you tomorrow!
88. putut Nu am putut spune nu.
I couldn't say no.
89. fapt De ce cineva spune ,,Bună ziua!", atunci când ziua de fapt nu este bună?
Why does one say "Good day" when the day is not good?
90. plecat El a plecat.
He went away.
91. facă El nu poate să facă asta.
He isn't able to do it., He is unable to do it., He can't do that., He can't do it.
92. pierdut Și-a pierdut toți banii pe care îi avea.
He lost all the money he had.
93. mamă Noapte bună, mamă.
Good night, Mom., Goodnight, Mother.
94. departe E departe de aici?
Is it far from here?
95. început Acesta este un bun început.
It's a good start., That's a good start.
96. viață Toată lumea știe că încă este în viață.
Everybody knows that he is still alive., Everybody knows for a fact that he is still alive.
97. aceea Casa aceea este a mea.
This is my house., This is my home., That house belongs to me., That house is mine.
98. sper Sper să o văd.
I hope that I'll see her.
99. problema Unde este problema?
Where is the problem?
100. murit Tatăl ei a murit când ea avea trei ani.
Her father died when she was three.

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