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Water in Dutch

Water in Dutch is water

Example Sentences

  • Ik wil heet water.
    I want hot water. Source
  • Vul de emmer met water.
    Fill the bucket with water. Source
  • Hoe is het water hier?
    How's the water here? Source
  • Het water is goed.
    The water is good. Source
  • Vul alstublieft deze emmer met water.
    Please fill this bucket with water. Source
  • Kan ik je wat water geven?
    Shall I get you some water? Source
  • Vergeet niet de planten water te geven.
    Don't forget to water the plants. Source
  • Er is nog een hoop water over.
    There's a lot of water left. Source
  • Je kan olie en water niet mengen.
    You can't mix oil and water. Source
  • Mijn hand is in warm water.
    My hand is in warm water. Source
  • Vul alsjeblieft deze emmer met water.
    Please fill this bucket with water. Source
  • IJs wordt water wanneer het smelt.
    When ice melts, it becomes water. Source
  • Er is weinig water in het glas.
    There is little water in the glass. Source
  • Je moet misschien water laten koken.
    You may need to boil water. Source
  • Hij stond tot zijn enkels in het water.
    He stood ankle-deep in the water. Source
  • Ik wil graag een glaasje water.
    I'd like a glass of water., I'd like to have a glass of water., I would like a glass of water. Source
  • Vissen leven in het water.
    Fish live in the water. Source
  • Er zit geen water meer in de fles.
    There is no water left in the bottle. Source
  • Droog zand neemt water op.
    Dry sand absorbs water. Source
  • Doe wat water in de vaas.
    Put some water into the vase. Source

Looking for something a bit more visual? Check out our infographic on Water in Dutch with example sentences and translations.

Water in Dutch translation and example sentences.

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