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Strong in French

Strong in French is fort

Example Sentences

  • Si vous êtes fort, je suis fort.
    If you are strong, I am strong. Source
  • Comme il est fort !
    How strong he is! Source
  • Il était petit mais fort.
    He was small, but strong. Source
  • La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure.
    The reason of the strongest is always the best. Source
  • Il est masculin et fort.
    He's manly and strong. Source
  • Ces femmes sont fortes.
    These women are strong. Source
  • Il est plus fort que vous.
    He's stronger than you. Source
  • Il est fort comme un cheval.
    He is strong as a horse., He's as strong as a horse. Source
  • Tu n'as pas l'air très fort.
    You don't look very strong. Source

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Strong in French translation and example sentences.

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