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Since in French

Since in French is depuis

Example Sentences

  • Depuis quand ?
    Since when? Source
  • Il a été occupé depuis ce matin.
    He has been busy since this morning. Source
  • Il a beaucoup changé depuis la dernière fois.
    He changed a lot since the last time. Source
  • Je travaille depuis six heures ce matin.
    I have been working since six this morning. Source

More Examples of Since in French

  • Comme je ne savais quoi faire, je lui ai demandé conseil.
    As I did not know what to do, I asked him for advice., Since I didn't know what to do, I asked him for advice. Source
  • Tom dû marcher jusqu'à la maison car sa voiture est tombée en panne.
    Tom had to walk home since his car broke down. Source

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Since in French translation and example sentences.

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