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Mrs in French

Mrs in French is Madame

Example Sentences

  • Madame Suzuki faisait un discours cet après-midi.
    Mrs Suzuki was giving a speech that afternoon. Source
  • Madame Baker s'est fait voler son porte-monnaie.
    Mrs. Baker had her purse stolen. Source
  • Non, je ne comprends pas madame Kunze.
    No, I don't understand Mrs. Kunze., No, I don't understand Ms. Kunze. Source

More Examples of Mrs in French

  • Mme. Bruce fut la première femme pilote à voler de l'Angleterre au Japon.
    Mrs. Bruce was the first female pilot to fly between England and Japan. Source
  • Mme Harris est très réservée sur l'avenir de son fils.
    Mrs. Harris is very doubtful about her son's future. Source

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Mrs in French translation and example sentences.

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