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How are you in Swedish

How are you in Swedish is Hur mår du

Example Sentences

  • Hur mår du, Mike?
    How are you, Mike? Source
  • Hur mår du?
    How are you?, How're you feeling?, How are we doing? Source
  • Hur mår du nu?
    How are you now? Source
  • Hej! Hur mår du?
    Hi! How are you? Source

More Examples of How are you in Swedish

  • Hur står det till?
    How are you? Source
  • Hur står det till? Jag har inte sett dig på evigheter!
    How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages! Source
  • Hur mår ni?
    How are you guys? Source

Looking for something a bit more visual? Check out our infographic on How are you in Swedish with example sentences and translations.

How are you in Swedish translation and example sentences.

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