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How are you in Polish

How are you in Polish is jak się masz

Example Sentences

  • Jak się masz? Nie widziałem Cię od wieków!
    How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages! Source
  • Jak się masz? Miałeś dobrą podróż?
    How are you? Did you have a good trip? Source
  • Cześć, jak się masz?
    Hello, how are you?, Hello, how are you doing? Source

More Examples of How are you in Polish

  • Cześć Susan. Jak leci?
    Hi, Susan. How are you? Source
  • Jak leci, Mike?
    How are you, Mike? Source
  • Jak się czujesz, Tom?
    How are you, Tom? Source
  • Jak tam? Jaki dzisiaj masz dzień?
    How are you? What sort of day are you having today? Source
  • Cześć, jak leci?
    Hello, how are you? Source
  • Dobry wieczór, co słychać u pani?
    Good evening, how are you? Source
  • Dobry wieczór, co słychać u pana?
    Good evening, how are you? Source
  • Jak wracasz do domu?
    How are you getting home? Source

Looking for something a bit more visual? Check out our infographic on How are you in Polish with example sentences and translations.

How are you in Polish translation and example sentences.

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