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Famous in French

Famous in French is célèbre

Example Sentences

  • Tout le monde veut te rencontrer, tu es célèbre !
    Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! Source
  • Elle a commencé à lui courir après avant qu'il ne devienne célèbre.
    She started pursuing him before he became famous. Source
  • Le nouveau film de Veber, "Le Dîner de cons," comme son film célèbre "La Cage aux folles", est très amusant.
    Veber's new movie, "Le Dîner de cons", like his famous film "La Cage aux folles", is very amusing. Source
  • Picasso est un artiste célèbre.
    Picasso is a famous artist. Source
  • De nombreuses personnes célèbres viennent ici.
    Lots of famous people come here. Source
  • Il est devenu célèbre dans le monde entier.
    He became famous all over the world., He became world famous., He became famous throughout the world. Source
  • Elle sera une artiste célèbre dans le futur.
    She will be a famous artist in the future. Source
  • Le roi était célèbre pour son splendide palais.
    The king was famous for his splendid palace. Source
  • Il fut célèbre à cause de son discours fleuve (marathon) eu Parlement.
    He was famous for his marathon speeches in parliament. Source
  • La Californie est célèbre pour ses fruits.
    California is famous for its fruit. Source
  • Son oncle est un célèbre médecin.
    Her uncle is a famous doctor. Source
  • Le jardin est célèbre pour ses iris.
    The garden is famous for its irises. Source

More Examples of Famous in French

  • Cette ville est connue pour sa source chaude.
    The town is famous for its hot spring. Source
  • Tu es connue.
    You're famous. Source
  • Je ne serai jamais aussi connu.
    I'll never be that famous. Source
  • Le lac Towada est connu pour sa beauté.
    Lake Towada is famous for its beauty. Source

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Famous in French translation and example sentences.

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