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Born in French

Born in French is née

Example Sentences

  • L'univers est né il y a plus de 12 milliards d'années.
    The universe was born more than 12 billion years ago. Source
  • En quelle année es-tu née ?
    What year were you born? Source
  • Je suis née à Hiroshima en 1945.
    I was born in Hiroshima in 1945. Source
  • Je suis née en Russie.
    I was born in Russia. Source

More Examples of Born in French

  • Je ne connais pas le lieu exact de ma naissance.
    I don't know the exact place I was born. Source
  • Nous sommes nés le même jour.
    We were born on the same day. Source
  • C'est la ville où il est né.
    This is the town where he was born. Source
  • Nous ne sommes pas tous nés avec un talent musical.
    Not all of us are born with musical talent. Source
  • Il est né à sept heures du matin, le 5 juin 1970.
    He was born at seven on the morning of June 5 in 1970. Source
  • Ils ont à peine mis le nez dehors depuis que le bébé est né.
    They have scarcely gone out since the baby was born. Source
  • Je suis né à Osaka.
    I was born in Osaka. Source
  • J'ai toute une boîte de cigares à distribuer lorsque mon fils sera né.
    I have a whole box of cigars ready to pass out when my son is born. Source
  • Je suis né durant l'ère Showa.
    I was born during the Showa era., I'm a person who was born during the Showa era. Source
  • Je suis né le 22 mars 1962.
    I was born on March 22, 1962. Source

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Born in French translation and example sentences.

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