Suggestion for word review

When learning new words in a group and you have words to review in that group you do 5 new words and review 5, but if you don’t have words to review in that group (e.g. 1000 most common) but have in another group (e.g. 500 most common) you don’t review the words from the other group. It would be nice to learn new words from one group e.g. 1000 most common while reviewing words from another group e.g. 500 most common.

This suggestion was sent by @Marcos in the Discord Server.

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I think this needs some clarification as to what is a description of how it works today as opposed how it should work.

Shall I take it that Marcos is asking for mixing in review sentences from other collections if there are no review sentences left in the current collection? I think I am all for it.

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Yes, that is what he is suggesting, mixing reviews from other collections if there are no review sentences left in the current collection.

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