Ma więcej szczęścia niż rozumu. (Sentence Note)

  • rozum mi.noun = reason, sense, wisdom, mind, intelligence.

He is more lucky than rozumu here in the genitive because it is implied that it is “niż [więcej] rozumu”? And if so, is this a rule that should be followed everytime we have a comparison?

“Rozumu” is in the genitive not so much because of “niż”, but because that is the case required by the initial “mieć” when referring to amounts with qualifiers such as “więcej”, “mniej”, “dużo”, “mało”, etc.

Here are some basic examples of contexts where “mieć” requires the genitive:

  • “Ma mało rozumu”
  • “Mamy dużo mąki”
  • “Oni mają więcej pieniędzy”