Fragmentation interferes with my workflow

After the update, Clozemaster displays review and favorite sentences by categories: “10,000 Most Common”, “20,000 Most Common”, and so on. I can imagine situations where this could be useful, particularly if there are a lot of items in each of the categories, and particularly if the categories are very different from each other. But in my situation, it’s a pain, especially since there is no easy way to move from one category to the next, even after I’ve finished all the sentences in one category. Instead, I need to go back to the dashboard, then into “Favorites” again, then choose the next category. Furthermore, while the distinction between “10,000 Most Common” and “Active, Passive and Adverbial Participles” might be real, the distinction betwen “10,000 Most Common” and “20,000 Most Common” is mostly arbitrary, and certainly doesn’t exist in my own mind.



You’ve beaten me to the punch on this one, as I was going to say exactly the same thing. There should still be the option to “review all”, as well as the ability to choose a specific category.


I am already missing the “Random” collection that consisted of all the sentences from all categories, played a bit at random. Now I find that I have a few sentences to review in each category and no way to review them all at once.


Fourth vote for the same thing. Please consider adding a “Review All” option. I don’t want to have to work through all these categories individually, nor do I think it’s good for learning to practice exclusively short simple words in one set and more complicated words in another.


On further reflection, I can see that it makes sense for the grammar challenges and self-created collections to be separate, but I’d really like to see a “Review All” / “Random” option that covers all standard word frequency collections.


Also, looking at my screencap above, the order in which the categories are listed is strange. Going from the most common to the least common word categories would make more sense than numbers starting with 1, then numbers starting with 2, etc.


I’ve been using the review separate categories for several hours now.

Whilst I’d still like to have a ‘‘Review All’’ or ‘‘Review Random’’ option, I’ve already noticed an advantage of having separate categories, in being able to re-set the frequency period for easier/harder categories before playing them e.g. before entering ‘‘100 Most Common’’ I changed the 100% mastered frequency to a longer period, as I don’t need to see them as often as say, for example, ‘‘20,000 Most Common’’.

Of course, the draw back about this is the need to remember to change the frequency in the dashboard settings when moving between collections.

It would therefore be good if on the ‘‘Play’’ pop-up (already shows ‘‘Sentences per round’’ and ‘‘Mode’’), an extra drop sown could be added to change the frequency intervals for that category alone, even if it only gave the option to change the 100% interval.


Quick fix for reviews - the option to continue on reviewing another collection once the reviews for the current collection have been completed.

Will see what we can come up with for a more legit “review all/random” and “play all favorites”. Thanks for the feedback!


Having the reviews broken down by collection is growing on me. It lets me easily ignore simple sets that I don’t want to see very often, and concentrate on the ones that are more relevant to what I want to practice.

An additional feature I think would be helpful is being able to prioritise your 25%, 50% and 75% reviews over 100% mastered ones. Right now for example, I have over 1,400 mostly 100% mastered reviews in the 50,000 frequency category to plow through, while what I’d prefer is to review the new sentences in that category that I’m playing now. (As an aside, I don’t understand where all these unplayed sentences have come from, since I’d played them all in the old version and the “new” ones mostly seem familiar.)


Thanks for letting us know and apologies for the frustration!

“Review All” is now available on the web, Review All and Play All Favorites - #6 by kadrian - Clozemaster - Clozemaster, and we should have it out for the mobile app within the next week or so.

Being able to search the entire corpus in the app is up next after that.

Anything else just let us know. Thanks again!


Mike, I would quite appreciate If you could optimize Review All option. I don’t know whether is this exclusive problem of Italian course or others, but I’ve encountered several problems. The biggest one (or at least that bothers me the most) is for example - you start with the easiest sentences in the very beginnig and as you progress it gets more difficult in Review All. I think most of the users would like a bit random selection of sentences in Review All and if not that random selection then preferably we would like to see a comeback of old algorhitm about which I have very high opinion and think it was perfect.
Best regards

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Thanks for the feedback!

you start with the easiest sentences in the very beginnig and as you progress it gets more difficult in Review All.

At the moment it orders them by the date of their next review, so older sentences are reviewed first followed by the sentences that most recently became ready for review. So it makes sense that you might get easier sentences first if they’ve been sitting in your review queue a while.

I’ve encountered several problems.

What are the other problems?

comeback of old algorhitm

Which parts in particular?

Personally I like playing my reviews in order of when they became available review so that if they get backed up, I know I’m reviewing the ones that most need to be reviewed first. I’m open to having them be random though - curious to hear what anyone else thinks.

Thanks again!

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“Review All” is giving me a nice selection of sentences each time. I probably have old reviews in all categories, so it seems random to me.

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Thank your for your fast answer Mike. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, because English is my third language, but I thought that the best possible way of playing Review All section would be choosing random words of the same (or approximate) date from different categories. It happens to me a lot that I have all words from the same category in Review All. For example - I start playing Review all, then I recognise all words from category 100 most common (logically they seated for most of the time), I have to finish them all and then I get 500 most common etc. Conclusion, algorhitm should choose (approximately) oldest sentences from different, random categories when playing Review All, not for example (this is currently the case) - I have to finish whole set of oldest ever sentences (in my case 100 most common) just to pass to another category (in my case 500 most common) and do the same again and so on and so forth. At least, I think that philosophy behind algorhitm of Review All should be like I have already put on bold.
Best regards

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I think this happend to me, because previously I had been using hours to repeat (which is now disabled) and for that reason I have mess. All those hundreds of words that I was doing like maniac in one day and repeated them in few hours, at one point new system put them equal in one day (clearly because new minimal interval is a day), so after that this emerged as the problem. Maybe this could solve the issue or is one of the reasons, but I’m not quite sure. However I am sure that we should have a new algorhitm for Review All.

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I’ve done most of Review All. It seems that is working now like it used to work previously. I haven’t done much of review since website update, so now it works like a charm. Sorry, my bad, thanks for response.